News 2024

  • Seaweeds at Hortimare

    Seaweeds at Hortimare

    Hortimare has provided key information to establish a SOP on the collection and shipment of seaweed samples for safe transportation among COMBO partners. They are currently working in developping a clean source of seedstock which enables the cultivation of our target species of red and brown seaweeds Laurencia and Dictyota producing highly bioactive metabolites.

  • Science Day at the Pays de la Loire

    High turnout at the "Science Day" organised by the University of Angers between the 4th and 14th October 2024. COMBO was on the spotlight through a communication workshop organised by our local partners Nicolas Papon and Charlotte Godon.

  • Ulysses Dublin

    Ulysses Conference in Dublin

    The French Embassy in Ireland and the Irish Research Council invited prestigious speakers to attend the annual Ulysses conference on Franco-Irish research and innovation, on the topic of “Marine Biodiversity and Resources in a Changing Environment” Tuesday 10 September 2024. Olivier Thomas from the University of Galway chaired the morning discussion around Human changing activities and marine biodiversity and the event was closed with an inspiring talk from the Irish Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan

  • Haliclona viscosa

    Diving in Sceirde Rocks

    Friday 6 September 2024 was a summer day in South Conamara. Blathnaid Doyle, Stephen McCusker, Olivier Thomas and the skipper Pat left Roundstone to dive around the beautiful Sceirde Rocks. The first samples of Haliclona viscosa were collected for COMBO.

  • M6 COMBO meeting Nice

    The Institut de la Mer de Villefranche IMEV kindly offered the EMBRC services to the COMBO team. Friday 5 July 2024, COMBO members were able to run our Month 6 meeting in a hybrid mode with the participation of all WP leaders for fruitful discussions.

  • Third field trip in Villefranche-sur-Mer

    From 3 July to 5 July 2024, a group of 7 COMBO staff participated in a fantastic field collection of unique sponges and seaweeds from the Mediterranean coast. Target sponge species Haliclona sarai and Crambe crambe were collected together with a diversity of Dictyota brown seaweeds.

  • Second field trip in Cape Town

    Between 2 - 12 April 2024, the WP2 leader Maggie Reddy assisted by Mila Geldenhuys (UCT) organised a field trip around Cape Town. Gregory Genta-Jouve (CNRS) and Olivier Thomas (University of Galway) helped with the subtidal collection. More than 100 samples of sponges and seaweeds some of them new to science were collected and they are now stored in the biomaterial repository for analysis.

  • Dictyota from South Africa

    First field trip in South Africa

    At the outset of the project in January 2024, the first COMBO samples were collected from the east coast of South Africa during a field trip led by Dr Reddy. Over 20 samples were carefully collected, and sent to the different partners within the consortium

  • Kick-Off Meeting in Galway

    All partners met in Galway on the 26th of January 2024 for the kick-off meeting of our exciting project COMBO